Neuropsychology: a specialisation with future perspectives. Neuropsychology encompasses two important approaches within brain research. One approach investigates the relationship between the brain and behaviour, while the other studies and develops
Conjunt de cromosomes del genoma humà. A genetic basis for brain disease and mental illness. In the article the author discusses mental diseases of genetic origin, pointing out that a great
Brain and hormones: a two way path. Hormones play a very important role in controlling a number of psychological and cognitive processes. However, the neuroendocrine response is modified by experience.
Neurogenesis in the adult brain. is regeneration possible?. Neurogenesis, the production of new neurons, in the adult mammalian brain is now a well-accepted phenomenon. The authors relate recent findings by
Brain organisation. The remarkable organisation of the brain is shaped during embryonic development through a complex array of molecular programs and cellular interactions. After birth, information from the outside world
An attempt to gain a better understanding of the cerebral cortex. Currently we are faced with the challenge of optimising on our capacity to interact with the human brain. Non-invasive,
Mapa de l’escoça cerebral humana mostrant algunes de les regions de les quals es coneix la funció. The fragmented brain and cartography of the mind. The human mind is not a
Solament si l’investigador posseeix un coneixement profund del comportament natural de l’animal amb què treballa serà capaç de dissenyar experiments etològicament rellevants. Brain and behaviour: an ethological approach. One prominent area
Potser l’última frontera de la ciència és la comprensió del fonament biològic de la consciència i dels processos mentals pels quals percebem, actuem, aprenem i recordem. Actualment la majoria dels
Growth without development. With respect to the future of historic market gardens. A coordinated policy is essential to protect what remains of the market gardens. Few European cities have an