En els darrers números vàrem parlar de les característiques generals de la caça fotogràfica, de la càmera i l'objectiu ideals per a practicar-la i dels accessoris fotogràfics necessaris. En aquest
Els fongs no pertanyen al regne de les plantes, tenen el seu propi regne dins la classificació dels éssers vius. No són plantes ni animals, i res seria possible al
Patricia Fara és membre docent de Clare College en Cambridge, on ensenya història de la ciència. Ha desenvolupat fins avui una carrera original i sorprenent que l'ha portat finalment a
Carl Sagan and Extraterrestrial Life. The life and scientific work of Carl Sagan are examined in the light of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) endeavour. His flamboyant personality is
Life on Mars - Scientific Speculation? In 1877, Giovani Schiaparelli accurately observed the surface of Mars and described it as a system of “canals”, implying that they had been built
Feijoo, Science in God's Service. Defender of modern science and an enemy of error, friar Benito Jerónimo Feijoo (1676-1764) is the great disseminator of Spanish Illustration; despite this, neither his
Giordano Bruno and the “New Philosophy”: the Infinite Universe and the Plurality of the Worlds. Giordano Bruno is often considered as a martyr of the first scientific revolution or as
Pierre Belon, a Modern Zoologist of the Renaissance. In the middle ages, the treasure of natural history learning was the Bestiary, in which biology and symbolism were mixed in similar